Thursday, April 30, 2009

Not good news.

My first appointment was yesterday and it seems like it will most likely have been the last for this pregnancy.

I asked for a beta - had the numbers since the 2nd doubled, the result should have been around 900. Instead it was only 571.

There is still a chance my doctor says... Maybe the 2nd beta was off since it tripled, we‘re still on track based on the first one. Maybe we lost a twin.. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

I’m going to do another beta tomorrow morning and my doctor should have the results quickly. I’m begging that it will be okay... But it hurts so much.

Please don’t let me lose this baby. I know what is done is already done... I know. But I don’t think I can take it.


Robyn said...

Hugging, thinking & praying for you.

Mandy said...

Been thinking about you today, Carrie. You know how many things it could be... and that's that worst part. I hope you find peace very soon.

Aramelle said...

Lots and lots of prayers for you, girlie. *HUGS*


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