Wednesday, December 5, 2007

And Puppy Makes Four (plus three!)

In an amazing sequence of events, my husband the worlds biggest puppy grinch, gave me an adorable little eight week old beagle puppy for Christmas! We've named the new addition to our family Elise and are calling her Ellie for short. Ellie is doing fantastic! She had he first vet appointment last Saturday and is in perfect health. She is doing great with going potty outside and is adjusting to her new home - She is quite the little ball of energy! Caden loves his new puppy and she loves him but maybe a little too much - Caden does get annoyed when she always wants to tackle him and give him kisses so we're working on that. My dad offered to puppy sit Ellie while we're on vacation which is why we decided to go ahead and bring her home now instead of waiting.
Speaking of which, we leave for our trip next week! We're excited but there is still so much left to do. I've started packing for Caden and tomorrow we are going to run out to pick up any last minute items for the trip. I'm still a little hesitant about leaving right before Christmas but I know we're going to have a great time. Having just about everything in order for the holidays really helps, too!



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